GameON: Fremdsprachenunterricht mit Videospielen Gestalten


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In this short video featuring Caro Blume, the theory and research underlying game-based or game-enhanced language learning is discussed. Additionally, suggestions for integrating games into the language classroom, and ways to align gaming with a task-based approach, are discussed. 

The video is a product of ViFoNet, which will include additional videos and materials for educators on teaching English with games. 


Speaker 1: This is. Something. Which? Is important. For. Us to. Institutional. Investors. Excuse me. Excuse me. Mr.. This is. Mr.. This. Is what? The possibilities. Thank you very. Much. For. Speaking with us. Thank you. Thank you. This. Is this. Is. This is. This is. This. Is. The. Distinction. Between. The. Distribution. This. Is. Statistically. Speaking. Especially during this. Time. Excuse. Me? Mr.. This. Content. Is imported. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse. This link is to. An external. Site. That. May be. Accessed. What's. This? We. Decided. To do. Face. To face.

Kategorien: Englisch

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